My Story
Educator • Coach • Counsellor • Guide
I’ve been guiding people towards their best selves for more than 25 years.
I’ve always been enchanted by creativity and started out as a fine arts student. But I sensed a calling to work on a larger canvas, to go beyond the confected world of the studio to the messier world of living and working and striving and relationships.
Through an interesting turn of events and a period of relentless self-examination, I ended up in Jerusalem, diving into the depths of Jewish wisdom. In time, I became a senior lecturer, and a mentor to countless young adults stepping into leadership roles.
Years as an Educational Director
Years as an International Speaker
Years as a Coach/Counsellor
Years in
In my desire to share profound ideas I have founded a number of transformational training programmes, priming businesses, leaders and (extra)ordinary individuals for success.
I love learning new (and old) things. I’ve been doing Tai Chi for almost three decades, have accreditations from the Feuerstein Institute for Cognitive Training, am a certified IFS practitioner, and have studied art therapy under a master of the trade. I am trained to be a Lumina Spark coach, and I will never stop studying the endless tomes of Jewish wisdom.
Whether I’m learning or teaching, coaching or I bring my life’s work and experience to the work. My deep passion is to draw on what I’ve learnt and experienced to help you access the life-changing transformation we’re all capable of.